Thursday, January 8, 2009

Grass Fed Meat: Our True Environmental Savior

I always love to read this online publication, Nourished Magazine. The articles and blog posts not only inform but they also call into question many of our reflexively held beliefs.  They challenge and maybe even irritate.  That's how we grow--by examining our beliefs, adjusting and discarding the ones that really don't hold true any longer, by strengthening the ones that were on the right track but might have needed refining.  I hope that I am able to help people do that in my own writing and I know that the article below will make us all stretch a little, out of what we comfortably "know" to be true into a sightly dangerous place where we form our own opinions based on new information.  It's kind of like trying new foods as a kid:   "Go on, take one bite" can lead to an appreciation of new tastes--and in the end, to true nourishment.  Go on, take a bite!

Posted via email from justine's posterous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool post as for me. It would be great to read a bit more about this topic. Thanx for sharing this info.
Joan Stepsen
Wise geek

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