Tuesday, June 26, 2012

So Very Close....

Ok my, Loyal Supporters, I am almost DONE. Major project submitted, one mama bear sized one almost done, and the baby bear will be turned in this coming weekend. So someday I will be back here writing original stuff. But in the meantime, I wanted to share this post about....writing! I especially like this quote (obvious, I suppose, but it sums up what I have been up to):
it’s okay if I can’t find time to blog, but it’s not okay if you don’t find time to write your thesis. Convenient, perhaps, but also true. The more you can think of writing as an obligation, the more progress you will make towards the goal of a completed thesis.
Go here to read the full post: http://explorationsofstyle.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/my-very-own-blog/ which sheds some light on blogs and writing in general. I miss being here and I'm nearing home, so keep a light on for me, will you? p.s. I am having formatting issues--perhaps from an overuse of my detail brain recently, but please excuse the lack of a paragraph break above. I am giving up on trying to fix it now.


michael.mcclain@fiu.edu said...

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! It's got to feel good, Justine! You are the woman!

Justine Raphael said...

Thanks Michael! Trying not to count my chickens quite yet,but I do see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Kathryn Herring said...

I am so proud of you. You are really doing it! You are my mentor and I try to follow in the foot steps you left behind in Miami.

Justine Raphael said...

Wow, that's so kind of you! I will try to earn that praise going forward....

Thanks for being such a supporter! I truly appreciate it.

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